Saturday, October 02, 2004

never make delarations like that...

i can't make every post about fashion. what was i thinking?

i was reading dennis' blog and i got this quite which made me laugh
"Being in a band is one of those things that's fun and a lot of work. Like sledding."

but i do need a new good pair of jeans. i need some heavy denim. the jeans i wear almost daily )but not daily cause that would be nasty) are thin jeans.

alley formal is tomorrow night! i'll get carnations for everyone.

Sunday, September 26, 2004

About white

After a good discussion with my friend katy plautz (she likes pearls, bows, Nordstrom and clean lines- she's a very proper diva) on the right or wrong of wearing white after labor day I decided that this blog should be about my favorite distraction...Fashion. Seems to be the most consistent thread to my posts.

we had a good time yesterday in the alley. I was going to eat a late lunch then go to my studio to get some paintings done. I had a beer, then lunch, then another beer when Keith came to the alley. Then it became a party. Erne and jay showed up, then Derek and Julie with their friends Todd and Stephanie. It was a bit much in terms of socializing. The alley from 3-6 was about all I could take (in a good way)- so I withdrew for an hour or so and began my newest sewing project. I have had the pink and white patterned fabric for a while(above) and had a vision of the right garment that was living inside the threads. An a-line skirt (which I am partial to anyway- fits my frame well).

spent the evening listening to wild bill croon at sangria's. I wore my ankle-high tan leather boots for the first time this season. I hate cold- but it's good to be back in the land of nice boots.