what i want is to work (art). for it to be enough that i work (art) damn hard and it alone leaves me exhausted. for it (art work) to be enough- for me to be able to make my work (art) without layering paper-pushing (work job) for other people who are stuggling with it (time for art work)being enough. how do other artists do it- i mean work (art) without working (job)??? making work (art) without clocking in at a mediocre job? maybe i teach? oh- already do that. on top of work (art), i work (job), and i work (teach) and work (crafty shit to make more $). i jsut wish i had more work (art) and and less work (job). sure- some have trust funds and no retirements. i get that. and i think- i would prefer that (who would not?!?). and i don't want to seem like a whiney baby- although it's impossible not to come across that way. but latley- i've wanted nothing else but to be in the studio more, longer. sure- i make due out of all the tiime i have- i seem to eek out every little pocket of time in there. i can depend on myself to work (?) hard on managing time, etc. but 8 hours a day go to other work (job). this is why weekends are so hard for me- felix wants to chill out- but it's th eonly sustained amount of time that i have to work (art).
i just need a beer and a willie nelson song i guess...
i just need a beer and a willie nelson song i guess...
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