Wednesday, March 02, 2005

on being average

tonight is messy- but will it get less messy if i admit that i might be average?-- average smarts, average talent, average work ethic, average ambition.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

i got harrel fletcher's packet of self (and friend) produced newspapers and am reading over them. i learned that a) i should send him my first kiss stories (and his flip flop bow out caught on audio and b) that kids who did not grow up in arkansas were disseting frogs in 7th grade. we did not get to until 10th.

on painting

when i lived in cambridge i made work in my apartment. felix and i shared a 395 sq ft fourth floor walk-up. my painntings were gushy and trying to be expansive with colors of paint slathered on canvas. was i seeking open space through my work?

now i live in a loft. it feels expansive with its 17 foot ceilings. my work is constrained and relies on systems. am i seeking order because of the chaos of the loft- everything spilling out and open?

Sunday, February 27, 2005

in honor of oscar...

hollywood peeps with whom having a drink would be fun:
drew barrymore
salma hayek
kate winslet