Wednesday, January 19, 2005

deep down...

it happened tonight. on a cold (sixteen degrees, thank you) evening with gusty snow glittering the streets as i was running (on the treadmill overlooking dutton street from a warm loft called "the southern embassy"). i was running and thinking that i'd get to my default running playlist. the one i play in my studio and while i run because in both events i usually feel kick ass. so i did not turn on the playlist which is laden with beastie boys (mostly from ill communication)- my "jopod running" list but instead put the thing on "shuffle". i guess the new ipod shuffles were getting me distracted.

what happened next was not intentional. what came on?--- the perfect kid rock running song. i think kid rock has usurped the king ad rock from his "get me runnin faster" throne. i am not sure how to feel. on one hand i am glad that it was unexpected- that the cunning boys from new york were toppled by a kid from detroit who loves waylon and wears a cowboy hat. on the other hand i. wait- no- on both hands i think i am glad.

and then it occured to me. it's perfect. everyone, deep down, wants to be southern. gram parsons even tried to be a southern boy (from florida, you say? that's not the south unless he lives in naples and builds airboats with cadillac engines). all up in there wooing emmylou harris with his not really southern-boy shenannigans. the southern mother ship always call us back home.


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