Saturday, November 06, 2004

changing the world

everyone's so mopey after the election. it's getting to me, frankly. what happened to a place called hope? geeze. massachusetts is depressing lately. and really- what happened to a little tolerance? if you voted for bush (which i didn't but isn't it sad that i need to clarify it in case someone jumps down my throat?) then you are simply lambasted. and why do democrats think they cornered the market on intellect? or peace, or hope or redemption for that matter?

spoken like a true independent.

as a consolation for the freakin' depression around here today i got some brooklyn pilsner at Olive That down the street. also some olives- fancy that. also making some little pin items.

the opening last night was nice. thanks to all who showed up. except for those two random folks who wanted free t-shirts and ate the decoration pears like drumsticks. i wore white, peeps. down with the after labor day rule. i'm talking ice blue angora sweater under a crisp white blazer with strings of mama fincher's pearls. good times.


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